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Mobility Management with Road Constructions

Major maintenance to the Amsterdam beltway by Rijkswaterstaat (Directorate-General for Public Works and Water Management) Noord-Holland; an invasive operation resulting in much traffic congestion.

Solution: I developed a mobility management plan along with a couple of partners. Among other things, we created the A4-A10-South public transportation card and set up an extensive media campaign.

Facts & Figures

  • Project budget: (approximately) between 1.5 and 2 million euros
  • 30,000 public transportation cards were issued
  • An increase in the use of public transportation during the road works from 23% to 43%
  • A decrease in the number of cars on the road during road works from 61% to 42%
  • Overall reduction of traffic by 10 %
  • Lasting effects: 4% fewer road users, 15% more train travelers

My contribution

I managed the Mobility Management Team. In that position, I created the mobility approach and was responsible for its implementation. In close cooperation with transportation operators, government authorities, and companies, I developed public transportation cards by which commuters could use the public transportation system free of charge for the duration of the roadworks. We struck several deals with employers in the region. They took care of promoting the cards with their employees. In addition, we created an extensive media campaign to inform people of the roadworks and of the possible alternatives for avoiding traffic jams.